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New White Paper Analyzes Marijuana Companies Health Claims on Social Media

Today, Data Science Solutions, LLC, in partnership with NCL, released new research that dives into false or misleading medical claims made by several leading marijuana companies on their social media platforms. The analysis qualitatively observes how these claims are framed to appeal to consumers, determines the reach of their messaging, and identifies policy solutions to help increase state and federal regulatory and enforcement action to end false – potentially harmful – marketing.

“Consumers should understand what they’re up against when perusing social media,” said Sally Greenberg, Executive Director of the National Consumers League. “These companies use Twitter to target consumers and declare that their products can help address, even treat, health issues from ‘pain’ to neurological diseases, even cancer. However, these claims are not backed by sound, clinical research – though the data is lacking at best, companies don’t let that stop them from trying to profit.”

This research reiterates the need for consumer caution and federal action related to marijuana companies misleading claims in the digital space. The FDA can start by modernizing its capabilities and utilizing automated tools to better monitor marijuana companies’ posts on social media and Congress can help by actively encouraging the FDA to expand their enforcement and providing additional oversight resources to the agency.

To read the full white paper, click here. To read the NCL announcement, click here.

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